Saturday, September 12, 2009

Caching around a storm

Much to my dismay, it was totally overcast when I woke up this morning. This normally means it's going to storm (hard) all day. I confirmed my prediction on A huge mass of rain was working it's way from west to east and would be in Casselberry within the hour. It was shaping up like a good day for homework, but then I had a thought. If I just cache east, I can stay ahead of the storm.

Off I went. The first cache of the day was one I visited a few weeks ago and was not able to locate before some employees taking a smoke break scared me off. Here's your evelev tip of the day: If muggles startle you, haul ass back to your car. Nothing looks more suspicious.

Turns out the cache was exactly what I thought it would be, I just hadn't looked in the right place. The cache location was a ledge just within (my) arm's reach. Had I not used my mirror to look where my head could not, I never would have made the grab.

Second cache of the day was in the same parking lot, always a bonus. I had some serious muggle issues with this one. When I pulled up I couldn't get out of my car because a guy was lugging around at least four clear trash-like bags filled with hamburger buns. I didn't see where he went with them...I don't really want to know. Then as I was digging through the bushes, these two ladies with a kid in tow flew out the back door all screaming at each other. I scampered back to my car. Finally I located the cache (below), but as I was signing the log, two employees arrived for their shift and decided to chat and smoke for 15 minutes. Inconspicuous? Not so much.

So, here's the cache. My first (and maybe last) snail cache. I kinda knew what to look for, not specifically, but the logs told me it was a decoy. As a result, I poked every lizard and frog I saw...just in case. When I came across the snail shell, I had a moment of hesitation. In true Brian fashion, I grabbed it anyway. Pretty sweet. Homemade decoys are so much better than the manufactured variety.

Here's what the cache looks like in it's natural habitat. It really does look like it's perched on the side of this telephone pole. In reality, the attached vial fits snugly into a hole the width of a pencil.

After that I swung by a super easy 35mm-in-a-sign cache. The was a little spider living in the lid. Gross! Then I spent the next 30 minutes looking for a cache I never found. It was located near (or possibly on) a fence. I hate those, you never can tell which side the cache is on. By then the rain had caught up with me, so I went back to the house.

A mere two hours later, the storm had passed enough that I was able to cache to the west. I learned a valuable lesson in paying attention to more than just nearby streets when accessing a cache. I drove up to an area within 10 feet of the cache...but between us there was a barbed wire fence. Not cool. Upon closer inspection, I realized there was a park on the other side of that fence. Needless to say, the parking there was a little hike from the cache.

I spent a decent amount of time hunting around trees today, which was not cool with the iPhone's gps. I walked in lots of circles. Other than the snail shell, I didn't see much novelty in the caches today. Lots of camo-taped containers and 35mm film canisters. I did, however, find this cool geocoin/busted necklace in one cache (see below). I'm tempted to keep it...but I won't, I promise.

I finished the day with 12 finds and 3 dnfs. The clouds were a blessing...when I wasn't getting rained on.

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