First, I forgot to take a picture at my one and only cache I'll take a moment to brag. Above is the coveted map of smilies. It shows 90 (of 117) cache finds in the Orlando metro area. I remember when I used to look at this map and see only three smilies. Unfortunately, this map is far less impressive when you see all that caches I haven't found. Whatever, I'm making progress.
Friday, August 28, 2009
A lesson in not overthinking
First, I forgot to take a picture at my one and only cache I'll take a moment to brag. Above is the coveted map of smilies. It shows 90 (of 117) cache finds in the Orlando metro area. I remember when I used to look at this map and see only three smilies. Unfortunately, this map is far less impressive when you see all that caches I haven't found. Whatever, I'm making progress.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
G is for Geocaching
Alas, it is back-to-school time. For me that means more time in the library and less time geocaching. We're also coming up on the busiest time of the year at work, so I probably won't get a solid day of caching until December. Woe. is. me.
But for the students at Harrisburg Elementary, geography means geocaching. When I read this article, I immediately went back to my own 5th grade geography lessons. The teacher would split the room into two teams, each with it's own oversized map hanging from the chalkboard. One by one, we went up to the board to face an opponent from the other team. We stood with our backs to the maps, eagerly waiting for the teacher to call out a state capital. Then, like wild-west gunslingers, we spun around, hunting with an outstretched index finger. All that mattered was being the first one to plunge that finger into the appropriate state.
It was terrifying, but it worked. Unlike Miss South Carolina Teen USA, I can tell you where "the Iraq" is located on a as.
But I digress. At Harrisburg Elementary, they aren't subjecting students to potential humiliation. They are letting them hunt for travel bugs and track their finds in the classroom. According to the Charlotte Observer, when a student finds a travel bug, they get to color in the state of origin on the school's map.
I'm jealous. Granted, I was in 5th grade in 1994/1995, before modern-day geocaching was born, but this is way cooler than elementary school students deserve. Life just isn't fair.
And the real root of the problem: If schools start training a new generation of geocachers, how in the hell am I ever going to get another FTF?
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Geocaching = Smarter Monkey?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Rapid-caching on a Sunday Afternoon
Second, I finally managed to update my stats...but I still can't figure out how to change the colors. The background shouldn't be silver. I messed with the html one day, but I did more damage than good.
Now, for the caching. I went out today to do some shopping in the Oviedo area. I wasn't really planning to cache, but I already knew there were a few on my way, and I couldn't help myself. I ended up with four finds and one less travel bug.
The first one was way easy: a 35mm film cannister stuffed inside a brick wall. Forgot to snap a photo. It was rated a 2 for difficulty, not really sure why.
This is actually the last one I did, but I'm kind of a spaz when it comes to loading photos. They never go in the order I want. I really need to brush up on my html so I can stop relying on the "wizard."
This is another one that was rated a 2 for difficulty. I can see how it could be difficult, but it was practically out in the open. I suppose when the vines are thicker this might be a tough find.
I'm not sure what the cache container is, it's not something I have seen before. It was a small plastic cylindar, about the size of a large pill bottle but shorter, with a twist-off top and key chain. The key chain was perfect for attaching it to this fence. And! It was bone-dry inside. That's so rare.
My third cache was a mind-numbingly easy hide-a-key under a newspaper stand. The only hard part was waiting out random muggles. Why do people always feel a need to congregate randomly around cache locations? They probably don't like me watching them intently from behind my tinted windows...whatever, they're in my way.
This was another first in terms of containers. It's not really that cool, just a small, rusty, metal canister. It was perched in the guardrail near this little pond. Not tough to find, but blended in well enough that I doubt muggles would think to grab it.
I tend not to pay much attention to the descriptions, but this one included quite a tale. I leave you with an exerpt:
Antoinette's whole family was against the marriage so her and Ed ran away.
The family wouldn't leave it at that and followed. They caught up here at what
is now known as Lovers Leap. To show the family their undying love for each
other they lept from where the cache is now hidden. Since the slope is not
vertical they rolled to the bottom. When they stood up covered in sand spurs,
spanish needles, caesar weed burs, fire ants, and pond scum the family gave
their approval to be married.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Almost Paradise
See this friendly-looking stick? It's an evil, evil cache. What's worse is it was like 10 ft. away from GZ. I know that's "within reason", but it's irritating. Especially when it's only rated a 1.5 for difficulty. The worst part is I didn't even get the glory of finding it. I was digging around in some bushes and an employee ran over saying, "Here it is...It's right over here." I was screaming (yes, screaming): "No! Don't tell me! I don't want to know! Please don't tell me." And then he handed it to me.
I admit it's pretty wicked...and it would have taken me a really really long time to get to it. But I don't feel like I earned it. *sigh*
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Good Camo
This stick, precariously hanging next to the trunk of a tree holds a cache inside. I don't think it was supposed to be hanging like this, but this is how I found it. If you look closely there is a little piece of wire hanging off the end. My guess is that was supposed to be attached to another branch, so that it would hang horizontally. If it had been hanging that way, I probably never would have found it.
This is a little tough to see because it was midnight. This cache is a broken sprinkler head, stuffed with a baggie holding the log and some swag.
Unfortunately the camera focused on the leaves, but beyond the leaves is a bird house containing a pill bottle.
This cache is rated a 4.5 (out of 5), but I honed right in on it (not that I'm bragging). There were just no other options. The numbers on this electrical box are actually magnetic, and they peel back to reveal the log.
This is Brian with a false outlet cover. It was on the back of a building near all of their electrical equipment. We were about to give up when Brian nudged the plate and it moved.
This is a nut/bolt combination. It's magnetic and was stuck inside the sign in the background. Brilliant, because someone could look right at it and never think twice. The bolt unscrews from the nut, revealing the log.
Fences and Guardrails
This is one of the more clever caches I have seen. It's a micro canister. A piece of fishing line about 15 feet long is all that connected the cache to the railing. The cache itself hung a few feet above the water. I was scanning with my mirror, looking for a nano, when I came across the wire. The log was all moldy and gross, but I couldn't believe how much thought someone had put into this hide.
The other option for tree-hides is to place them up in the tree. That black spidery-looking thing on the lowest branch is a bison tube dressed in electrical tape. I had to use a stick to get it down.
Trees offer more options that you think. I've seen small to regular size caches hidden in dense foliage. Decoys, like fake birds and pine cones, are also good hiding spots.
- Don't be afraid to put your gps up to your ear and act like it's a phone. Mine actually is a phone, but that's beside the point.
- Sometimes I wear only one earring so that I can say, "One of my earrings fell out and I think I was walking by here." I've never had to say that, but I think it would work.
- Find something in the bush worth looking a lizard, or a bee, or a cool flower. So when someone asks you can say, "I was just looking at this lizard. Isn't that cool?" The typical reaction is to smile, nod, and back away slowly.
- Wear gloves...sometimes they just assume you're a gardner.
- I often cache in one of my school t-shirts. I've always wanted someone to question me so I can say, "I'm a botany student. I am observing this bush for a project." This excuse also provides a good cover in the event they saw me frequently consulting my iPhone. I just need to download some kind of plant-identification app...
- Of course, you can always just tell the truth. Most people couldn't care less.
Signs, signs, everywhere there really are signs. And so many places to a hide a micro cache! Signs are metal, so magnets are an obvious choice. The most common place to hide a cache in a sign is at the base of the pole, almost buried in the grass or sand, or up inside where the actual sign attaches to the pole. Another option, which I have yet to personally see, is a magnetic reflector, which slides open to reveal a log. In the picture below, the cache was hanging inside the post itself. I only found it by using my mirror to look inside.
Lock-and-Lock / Tupperware
Waterproof Match Container
Jars and Canisters
Ammo Can
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Bottle Cap
Bison Tube
I didn't know what these were until I started geocaching. It's called a bison tube aka (unofficially) the mini scuba tank. According to, it's called a bison tube because it was originally made by Bison Industries, not because it bears any resemblance to an actual bison. I have to admit, the first time I saw bison tube in a cache description I expected it to be brown and furry...needless to say I logged a dnf for that one.
These little micros are versatile. I've seen them hanging from fences, signs, trees, in light poles, and at the base of signs. Tubes like this are naturally camo'd for blending in with metal. Wrap them in camo tape and suddenly they are camo'd for a bush. And, they're watertight.
It is extremely important to note that just because the description says you're looking for a bison tube, you might not really be looking for a bison tube. Some cache hiders camo their bison tubes with wood, moss, and other natural materials. While the cache itself is a micro, it could be permanently affixed to camo the size of an ammo can.
Newspaper Stands
- They're super easy
- Rain/weather doesn't really get under there, so the cache is rarely crappified
- You don't draw much attention because most people assume you're going to grab a newspaper
The only drawback is that you are restricted to micro or smaller.
Hide-A-Key / Keyholder
Light Pole
35mm Film Canister
- Naked - no camo. Black w/ grey top film cannister.
- Clear/white
- Camoed - The one above is camo-taped. I have also seen paint.
Pill Bottles
- Cache - the thing I'm looking for.
- Camo - Any means used to make a cache blend in with it's surroundings.
- Coords - Coordinates (lat/long), this is how I know where to go.
- Decoy - A cache that blends in so well with it's surroundings it is in plain view of the public, and only geocachers know what it really is.
- DNF - Did Not Find. The most dreaded three words in geocaching.
- FTF - First to Find. It's an honor to be the first one to log a cache.
- GZ - Ground Zero. It's where the coordinates take me. This is where the cache should be. Sometimes my GPS is wonky, sometimes the coords are just bad. And sometimes the stars align and I walk right up to the cache on the first try.
- Large - I've never found one of these. I hear they can be as large as a 5 gal bucket.
- Log - the thing I sign to prove I was there...not that anyone would question me.
- Micro - A cache larger than a nano, usually a pill bottle or 35mm film cannister.
- Muggles - anyone uninitiated to geocaching. They can be problematic because they draw unwanted attention (ie. police or employees, if the cache is on a business' property), or may even take the cache. Muggles are unavoidable.
- Nano - A cache about the size the button on your shirt.
- Regular - A cache larger than a small. Usually an ammo can.
- Small - A cache larger than a micro...tupperware and peanut butter jars are common.
- Swag - The tradeables inside a cache. Tradeables, not takeables. If you take something, leave something of equal value.
- Travel bugs - Anything with a tracking number that is supposed to travel from cache to cache. When you find a travel bug, you're supposed to log it online and then leave it in a different cache.
Let's get the introductions out of the way. My name is Evelynn. username: evelev. You know, like evel knievel...
My husband is Brian. We live in Casselberry, Florida.
We geocache
I won't go into all the details of geocaching (because so many before me have put it so eloquently) but in a nutshell: people hide stuff (caches), post the coordinates online, and we go find it. To date there are over 860,000 caches hidden on all seven continents, ranging in size from your thumbnail to bigger than your head.
Here's how we do it
This year for Valentine's Day, my husband gave me an iPhone (I got him a stupid remote control helicopter...I was so outdone). I quickly figured out I could use it to geocache - a hobby I had wanted to get into, but never had the money for a GPSr. My first attempts were fruitless. I went to eight (yes, 8) locations before I found my first cache. It was quite disheartening, but once I found my first one, I was hooked. It was a medicine bottle hidden in the base of a light pole at a gas station. The landscapers must have thought I was completing a drug deal, but whatever.
In addition to my iPhone 3g, I have the (aka Groundspeak) app, which I use to locate caches and track my finds. It's a little pricey ($10), but well worth the "cash." Combined with the iPhone's (pretty decent) camera, everything I need to manage my finds is in the palm of my hand. Sometimes we plan a day of caching, sometimes we just go. When I plan to go caching I carry my handy Hello Kitty cache-enger bag (below). It contains:
- A mirror (essential - perspective is everything)
- A spider-whacking stick (a must in Florida)
- Leather gardening gloves - aren't we all more daring in leather?
- Pens
- A mini first aid kit
- Tweezers - Sometimes needed to remove logs that are almost too big for their cache.
- Insect repellent
- Hand sanitizer
- Hair ties (both for my hair and to attach the mirror to the look at stuff I can't reach)
- Various tradeables and travel bugs - my philosophy is you leave something meaningful or useful, not crap you get in a happy meal. I try to leave things people will want.
I don't trade stuff as much as I thought I would. For one, most caches I grab are micros, which can hold a quarter at most. And two, there are rarely things that I want. People tend to leave whatever they found on the floor of their car.
We do most caches during the day, but we've done a few at night. At night you are less likely to be spotted, but look twice as suspicious if you are caught. During the day, digging through bushes looks night it looks criminal.
Going forward, I want to track my finds on this blog...and maybe provide some useful information for someone who's just getting into geocaching. Now that I have over 100 finds and an FTF (first to find) under my belt, I feel qualified to run a blog.